bench2biz Partners
Bench2Biz (B2B) is a consortium of Swiss National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) funded by SNSF. The consortium is open for all NCCRs to join.
Innosuisse (former CTI) and the Federal Institute for Intellectual Property (IPI) actively support this initiative for aspiring entrepreneurs. The partnership is open upon call launched by the network, to other NCCR members wishing to implement and support a culture of entrepreneurship amongst their research members. If you are interested to join as a partner in the future, please contact us at
The consortium organizes a yearly workshop to support aspiring entrepreneurs to:
- determine rapidly the commercial value of their idea or intervention
- assess the idea/invention’s team fortitude
- organize the idea to move ahead from a dream stage to a concept stage.
The B2B annual event is powered by the Pre-Seed workshop, a workshop created by Mark Wilson in 2004 in Rochester New York, USA as a Neworks trademark product. It is now being held about ten times a year in various Host City locations throughout the northeast of the US. In Switzerland, the workshop is organized on a annual basis by Bench2Biz.

New approaches to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

The NCCR PlanetS provides interdisciplinary research dedicated to the study of the origin, evolution, and characterisation of planets.

The NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials is a center for research on “smart” materials whose function and design are inspired by nature.

NCCR Automation investigates new approaches to the control of complex automated systems and implements them in concrete applications in practice.

A paradigm shift focusing on molecular factories, cellular systems and the improvement of health.

The NCCR RNA & Disease aims at advancing our understanding of fundamental mechanisms in RNA biology.

The NCCR Microbiomes brings together a unique and interdisciplinary research program with experimental and clinical microbiome studies.

Neworks is an entrepreneurial training and technology transformation company, best known as the umbrella organization for the Pre-Seed Workshops (PSW).

The National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) SPIN is based at the University of Basel. Its main objective is to develop reliable, fast, compact, scalable spin qubits in silicon.
If you are interested to sponsor a future event, please contact us at