The bench2biz consortium is pleased to announce its next pre-seed workshop which will be held on December 11, 12 & 16, 2019 at the Technopark Zürich to host idea champions from all over Switzerland.
The workshop targets very early to early high-technology entrepreneurial ideas from all fields and prepares for the entry into the existing Swiss start-up promotion ecosystem.
- If you are wondering if your invention/research is marketable
- If you need to get a clear picture on how to pursue your business idea
- if you want to get guidance specifically adapted to your project
Then, the bench2biz is the right workshop for you! You will benefit from fast-paced sessions, support from recognized industry experts and networking opportunities.
Application: please fill in the form
Deadline for application: November 14, 2019
When: December 11, 12 & 16, 2019
Where: Zürich, Technopark
Max. number of teams: 12
Application and participation are free of charge.
Contact & Info:
Bench2biz is a consortium of five National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCRs RNA&Disease , Chemical Biology, TransCure, PlanetS and Bio-inspired Materials. This 2019 workshop edition is hosted by NCCR RNA & Disease and is powered by Neworks. The event is sponsored by the Innosuisse and IPI.
Please help us spread the word in your network!