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Which main topic does your question refer to?
You ask. We answer.
Which main topic does your question refer to?
What conditions must be met in order to apply for the next bench2biz workshop?
In general, your high-technology R&D project needs to relate to certain categories such as Biotech, Energy, Medtech, etc. Your (existing or future) company must be domiciled in Switzerland. Finally, the maturity of your business idea must be assessed in order to benefit best from the workshop.
More detailed information about eligibility requirements can be found here: application
Does my idea already need to have an IP license before applying ?
No. During the workshop, you will not be asked to disclose the details of your invention.
I have been accepted as idea champion. Do I get reimbursed for an eventual overnight stay and for the travel?
No. You have to cover yourself the travel and accomodation expenses.
Is the attendance to a pre-training on intellectual property a requirement to be accepted as idea champion at the bench2biz workshop?
No. You can be accepted as an idea champion also without having attended a pre-training. Attending a pre-training in IPI issues is an opportunity for further learning and a better preparation opportunity.